Top 10 MLM Companies in the World

MLM Companies

Multi-level marketing, or MLM, has become a popular business model in recent years. With the promise of financial freedom and the ability to work from home, it’s no surprise that many people are drawn to this type of business. However, with so many MLM companies out there, it can be overwhelming to choose which one to join.

MLM companies can vary in terms of their products, compensation plans, and overall business practices. It is crucial to thoroughly research and evaluate any MLM company before making an investment decision.

It is important to consider factors such as the company’s reputation, product quality, compensation plan, training and support, and compliance with regulatory bodies.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the top 10 MLM companies in the world, based on their revenue and reputation.

What is Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)?

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as network marketing or pyramid selling, is a marketing strategy used by some direct-sales companies to sell products or services. It involves existing members promoting and selling the company’s offerings to individuals and recruiting new members into the business. Participants in MLM are typically compensated through a commission-based system, where they earn a percentage of their recruits’ sales. This means that members at all levels have the potential to earn money, and the more layers there are, the more earning potential there is.

MLM companies rely on a non-salaried workforce of independent sales representatives who sell their products directly to consumers. These representatives are not employees of the company but rather individual business owners who recruit their own distributor networks to help them sell products. The compensation plan in MLM is structured in a way that commission is paid to individuals at multiple levels when a sale is made, and the commission amount often depends on the total volume of sales generated.

It’s important to note that MLM has been a subject of controversy, and there is a distinction between legitimate MLM companies and illegal pyramid schemes. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigates MLM programs to ensure they do not operate as pyramid schemes, which are illegal. Pyramid schemes primarily focus on recruitment rather than the sale of products, and they often make false promises of high income.

MLM is a marketing strategy used by direct-sales companies where existing members sell products or services, recruit new members, and earn commissions based on sales generated by themselves and their recruits. Legitimate MLM companies operate within legal boundaries and rely on a network of independent distributors to generate revenue.

10 Biggest MLM Companies in the World

Exploring the top MLM companies in the world can be subjective and may vary depending on different factors such as revenue, market presence, and popularity. Here are some of the top MLM companies:


Amway is a well-known multi-level marketing (MLM) company that has been around for over 60 years. Founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos, Amway has grown to become one of the largest MLM companies in the world, with a presence in over 100 countries.

One of the main criticisms of MLM companies, including Amway, is that they often resemble pyramid schemes. Pyramid schemes are illegal and unsustainable business models where the main focus is on recruiting rather than selling products.

However, Amway has been able to avoid being labeled as a pyramid scheme by selling a wide range of products, including health supplements, beauty and personal care products, and household cleaning items.

Another aspect of Amway that has been met with criticism is its emphasis on recruiting and building a downline. Amway distributors are encouraged to recruit others to join the business and earn a percentage of their sales. This can create a pressure to constantly recruit and can lead to a focus on building a large downline rather than selling products.

On the positive side, Amway offers its distributors the opportunity to be their own boss and earn a potentially significant income. The company has a proven track record of success, with many distributors earning six-figure incomes. Amway also provides training and support to its distributors, helping them to develop their sales and marketing skills.

Moreover, Amway’s products are of high quality and have a loyal customer base. The company has a strong focus on sustainability and uses environmentally friendly practices in its manufacturing process. Amway also offers a satisfaction guarantee on its products, giving customers peace of mind when making a purchase.


Herbalife is a most popular MLM company that has been in the health and wellness industry for over 40 years. With its wide range of products and a strong network of independent distributors, Herbalife has become a household name in the world of MLMs. However, despite its popularity, Herbalife has also been surrounded by controversy and criticism. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Herbalife, its products, and its business model.

Herbalife’s product line includes nutritional supplements, weight management products, sports nutrition, and personal care products. The company claims that its products are scientifically formulated to provide essential nutrients for a healthy and active lifestyle. However, there have been concerns about the safety and effectiveness of Herbalife’s products. In 2014, the company faced a lawsuit for false advertising and misrepresenting its products’ health benefits. While the lawsuit was eventually settled, it raised questions about the credibility of Herbalife’s products.

One of the main criticisms of Herbalife is its business model. The company heavily relies on its distributors to sell its products, and they are often encouraged to recruit more distributors to expand their network. This can create a sense of pressure and competition among distributors, leading to aggressive and sometimes unethical sales tactics.

Moreover, most distributors do not make a significant profit, and many end up losing money. This has led to accusations of Herbalife being a pyramid scheme, where the emphasis is on recruiting rather than selling products.

Nu Skin Enterprises

Nu Skin Enterprises is a prominent MLM company that has been in the business for over 35 years. It is a global company that offers a wide range of personal care and wellness products. With its headquarters in Utah, USA, Nu Skin has expanded its reach to over 50 countries worldwide, making it one of the largest MLM companies in the world.

The company was founded in 1984 by Blake Roney, Sandie Tillotson, and Steve Lund with a mission to provide high-quality products that promote a healthy and youthful lifestyle. Nu Skin’s product line includes skincare, hair care, body care, and nutritional supplements. The company’s focus on anti-aging and skin rejuvenation has made it a popular choice among consumers.

One of the key aspects of Nu Skin’s business model is its direct selling approach. This means that the company relies on independent distributors, also known as “brand affiliates,” to promote and sell its products. These brand affiliates are not employees of the company but rather independent contractors who earn a commission on the products they sell. This business model has been the subject of controversy and criticism, with some people viewing it as a pyramid scheme.

However, Nu Skin has consistently maintained that it is a legitimate MLM company and has received numerous awards and recognitions for its business practices.

The main advantage of joining Nu Skin as a brand affiliate is the low start-up cost. Unlike traditional businesses, there is no need for a large capital investment to become a distributor. This makes it an attractive option for individuals looking to start their own business without significant financial risk. Additionally, Nu Skin offers its brand affiliates training and support to help them grow their business and reach their goals.

Mary Kay Inc

Mary Kay Inc. is a widely known MLM company that was founded in 1963 by Mary Kay Ash. The company specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of personal care and beauty products. Mary Kay operates in over 35 markets worldwide and has a global independent sales force of over 3.5 million.

Mary Kay consultants, known as beauty consultants, earn income by directly selling products to customers and also receive a commission when they recruit others to join their distribution network. Consultants have the opportunity to earn incentives such as the use of a car or cash compensation based on their sales and team performance.

The company emphasizes empowering women and has been recognized for its efforts in promoting gender diversity and providing opportunities for women in leadership positions. Mary Kay has a strong focus on philanthropy and has initiatives to support causes such as domestic violence prevention and cancer research.

Mary Kay products are available for purchase exclusively through Independent Beauty Consultants. The company offers a wide range of skincare, cosmetics, fragrances, and other beauty products.

It’s important to note that specific details about the average income of Mary Kay consultants and the success rates of consultants may vary. The company does not publicly disclose detailed information on consultant earnings or track actual sales.

For more information about Mary Kay and its products, you can visit their official website at


Melaleuca is a multi-level marketing company that has been making waves in the health and wellness industry since its inception in 1985. With a mission to enhance the lives of people by providing high-quality, eco-friendly products, Melaleuca has become a household name for many health-conscious individuals.

But what exactly is Melaleuca, and why is it so popular among consumers and distributors alike?

First and foremost, Melaleuca is a direct selling company that offers a wide range of products, including nutritional supplements, personal care items, and household cleaning products. These products are all made with natural and environmentally friendly ingredients, making them a popular choice for those looking for healthier alternatives to traditional products.

One of the key factors that sets Melaleuca apart from other MLM companies is its commitment to providing safe and effective products. The company has a team of scientists and researchers who work tirelessly to develop products that are not only good for the environment but also for the consumer’s health.

This dedication to quality has earned Melaleuca numerous awards and certifications, including the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification, which is only given to companies that meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

In addition to its high-quality products, Melaleuca also offers a unique business opportunity for individuals looking to earn an income through direct selling. The company’s compensation plan is designed to reward hard work and dedication, and many distributors have found success in building their own businesses with Melaleuca.


Natura is a Brazilian MLM company that has been making waves in the beauty and personal care industry since its inception in 1969. With a strong focus on sustainability, social responsibility, and natural ingredients, Natura has become a household name in Brazil and has expanded its reach to other countries in Latin America, as well as Europe and the United States.

One of the key factors that sets Natura apart from other MLM companies is its commitment to sustainability. The company has a strong focus on sourcing natural ingredients from the Amazon rainforest, while also promoting fair trade practices and supporting local communities. This not only ensures the quality and efficacy of their products, but also helps to protect the environment and support indigenous communities.

In addition to its commitment to sustainability, Natura also places a strong emphasis on social responsibility. The company has various initiatives in place to support education, women’s empowerment, and the fight against animal testing. Natura also has a program called “Natura Ekos” which aims to preserve biodiversity and promote sustainable development in the Amazon region.

Another aspect that sets Natura apart is its unique business model. Unlike traditional MLM companies, Natura does not rely on a large network of independent distributors. Instead, the company has a team of consultants who are trained and employed by Natura. This allows for more control over the quality and consistency of their products, as well as providing a stable income for their consultants.


Primerica is a well-established MLM company that has been in the business for over 40 years. Founded in 1977, Primerica has become one of the largest MLM companies in the world, with operations in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Primerica operates in the financial services industry, offering products such as life insurance, mutual funds, and debt consolidation services. The company’s main target audience is middle-income families, and they claim to provide affordable financial solutions to help them achieve their financial goals.

One of the main selling points of Primerica is its focus on financial education. The company believes that by educating individuals about financial management, they can help them achieve financial independence. This is a noble goal, and it is one of the reasons why Primerica has gained a loyal following over the years.


Vorwerk is a German multi-level marketing company that has been in operation for over 130 years. It was founded in 1883 by brothers Carl and Adolf Vorwerk and has since grown to become a global leader in the direct sales industry.

One of the key factors contributing to Vorwerk’s success is its focus on high-quality products. The company is best known for its vacuum cleaners, with the iconic Kobold line being a household name in many countries. In addition to vacuum cleaners, Vorwerk also offers a wide range of home appliances, such as kitchen appliances, air purifiers, and even a robotic lawnmower.

But what sets Vorwerk apart from other MLM companies is its unique business model. Instead of relying solely on independent distributors, Vorwerk also has its own network of brick and mortar stores. This allows the company to have a strong presence in both the online and offline markets, giving customers more options to purchase their products.

Moreover, Vorwerk has a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. The company invests heavily in research and development to continuously improve its products and stay ahead of the competition. In recent years, Vorwerk has also made significant efforts to reduce its environmental impact by using more sustainable materials in its products and production processes.

Avon Products

Avon is a renowned multi-level marketing company that has been around for over 130 years. With a presence in over 100 countries, Avon has become a household name and is known for its wide range of beauty, household, and personal care products.

The company was founded in 1886 by David H. McConnell, a traveling book salesman who noticed that his female customers were more interested in the free perfume samples he offered than the books he was selling. He then started the California Perfume Company, which eventually became Avon in 1939. The company’s name was inspired by Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon.

One of the reasons for Avon’s success is its unique business model, which involves independent sales representatives, also known as Avon Representatives. These representatives are not employees of the company but rather independent contractors who earn a commission on the products they sell. This model allows individuals to start their own business with minimal investment and flexible working hours.

Avon’s product line includes skincare, makeup, fragrance, hair care, and personal care products for both men and women. The company is also known for its philanthropic efforts, particularly in the fight against breast cancer and domestic violence. Avon has raised millions of dollars through its fundraising campaigns and has been a strong advocate for women’s empowerment.


Tupperware is a household name that has been around for decades, and for good reason. This brand has revolutionized the way we store and organize our food, making our lives easier and more convenient. In this blog post, we will explore the history of Tupperware, its impact on our daily lives, and why it continues to be a popular choice for food storage.

One of the main reasons for Tupperware’s success is its innovative design. The containers are made of high-quality, BPA-free plastic that is durable and can withstand both heat and cold temperatures, making them safe for use in the microwave, dishwasher, and freezer. The airtight seal ensures that food stays fresh for longer, reducing food waste and saving money in the long run. Tupperware also comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, making it versatile for storing different types of food.

Another reason for Tupperware’s popularity is its convenience. The containers are lightweight and stackable, making them easy to store and transport. They also come with easy-to-open lids, making them ideal for people of all ages, from children to the elderly. Tupperware’s modular design also allows for easy organization in the fridge or pantry, making it a great tool for meal prep and keeping track of food inventory.

In addition to its practicality, Tupperware has also become a symbol of sustainability. The brand has a strong commitment to reducing single-use plastic waste, and their containers are designed to be used repeatedly, reducing the need for disposable plastic bags and containers. Tupperware also offers a lifetime warranty on most of its products, encouraging customers to use and reuse their containers for years to come.

How to choose the right MLM company?

Choosing the right MLM company requires careful consideration and research. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

  • Evaluate the Products or Services: Look for a company that offers high-quality products or services that you believe in and are passionate about. Consider the market demand, uniqueness, and value of the offerings.
  • Assess the Compensation Plan: Understand the company’s compensation plan and how you can earn income. Evaluate the commission structure, bonuses, and incentives. Ensure that the compensation plan aligns with your financial goals and rewards both product sales and team building.
  • Research the Company’s Reputation: Investigate the company’s reputation and track record. Look for reviews, testimonials, and feedback from current and former members. Check if the company has faced any legal issues or controversies.
  • Consider Training and Support: Determine the level of training, support, and resources provided by the company. Look for comprehensive training programs, mentorship, and ongoing support to help you succeed in your MLM business.
  • Evaluate the Leadership Team: Assess the experience, credibility, and integrity of the company’s leadership team. Strong leadership can contribute to the company’s stability and long-term success.
  • Examine the Company’s Financial Stability: Research the company’s financial health and stability. Look for financial reports, revenue growth, and stability over time. A financially stable company is more likely to provide sustainable business opportunities.
  • Assess the Company’s Culture and Values: Consider the company’s culture, values, and mission. Ensure that they align with your personal values and goals. A positive and supportive company culture can contribute to your success and satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the Market Potential: Assess the market potential for the company’s products or services. Consider factors such as market demand, competition, and trends. A growing market can provide more opportunities for success.


MLM companies operate globally and offer various products through a network of distributors. While some MLM companies have achieved significant success, it’s important to carefully evaluate the products, business practices, and costs associated with joining an MLM company.

When considering joining an MLM company, it is essential to evaluate the products or services they offer. Some MLM companies may sell quality items at competitive prices, while others may offer overpriced or questionable products. It’s important to be skeptical of health products that make exaggerated claims or promise guaranteed results.

Additionally, MLM companies may require distributors to purchase training or marketing materials, attend seminars, or incur other expenses. It’s crucial to understand the costs involved and assess whether they align with your financial goals.